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[Feedback] Try our app called streetappy

From: Surendra S.
Sent on: Thursday, July 2, 2015, 4:35 PM
Hi guys,
As per a recent WHO study, more than 30% children in Indian cities are suffering from lung problems. So we are talking about my children, your children and other children we love. The main cause of the problem is the vehicular pollution. We tend to close our windows and turn on the AC to keep the smoke away but our children at home or at school inhale the same polluted air. So, closing our windows while travelling is not really a solution. 

Assuming all of us are looking for a pragmatic way of addressing the issue, we at streetappy have taken up on this complex problem of ever increasing traffic. We are trying to offer a usable alternative in terms dynamic carpooling/ridesharing with added safety features. We have just launched our app.

The app is called streetappy. It is ONLY available on android for now. Here is the link to the app: 

I would like to welcome all of you to try it out and provide your valuable feedback. 



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