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No more Loop

From: Ward B.
Sent on: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 12:57 PM
Last night was our last night at the Loop as it was their last night in business. I didn't hear about it until after I left last night, but I spoke with the owner today and they are closed for good. He said the GM plant closing and layoffs at the CDC, as well as the recession in general, had diminished lunch business in particular, which was the backbone of that operation. That's why they could accommodate us in the evenings. The lease was up and the shopping center wanted more money, so he decided now was the time to close.

There's a Jason's Deli on LaVista that might work. They have a similar set-up to the Loop and are even larger in terms of tables. I'll talk with the owner or manager tomorrow. The Loop guy said I can use him as a reference. FWIW he said it was definitely good for business to have us and said we were "his most loyal group."

In the meantime, they appear to still be gaming at the Diner at N. Druid Hills, details here

They've also started something at a diner on Holcolm Bridge Rd., details here

If you live (or are willing to drive) south of Atlanta a bit Floyd Sherrod does a monthly all-day gaming event called SWAG (South West Atlanta Gamers). Not sure when the next one is scheduled but you can email Floyd about it at [address removed]

A group called Strayer Gamers plays most Thursdays at, I think, Mercer University, which is about a mile from the Loop. For more info, contact Jay Schindler [address removed]

I'm going to leave the meetup scheduled for now in the hopes I can find a location next week and can just change the location. If I can't I'll cancel it. I also plan to post a sign before the next meetup on the Loop door, redirecting folks to the new location.

I'm confident we can find a new location. I'll try to maintain the same nights, but if it turns out that Tuesdays and Fridays are better for the restaurant, I might change it. Getting another place on Saturday night may not be possible, as that's generally their busiest nights. I know Saturday is popular and will try to maintain it if I can. I'll keep everyone posted on the progress.

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