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Testing a Game on Saturday

From: David
Sent on: Monday, November 24, 2008, 11:15 AM
I am seeking 3-5 people to help playtest my game on Saturday. I especially need
someone who is willing to read the rules, to be sure someone other than myself
understands them. 
I'd like to schedule a game for 4:00 or 4:30 pm, before the regular meetup begins
at the Loop on Saturday so I won't take up too much of your regular game playing
time. It should take less than 90 mins. to play.

My game is based on carpooling and the object is to be the first one home after

picking up your 4 passengers from different locations. This is a 'roll & move' game

with 3 actions per turn, which includes the use of three different sets of cards to

assist you or to slow opponents down. 

If you have played this before, the new version is very different from the previous,
with more actions and options in play. If interested, please e-mail me directly at
[address removed] and let me know how early you can be there. Thanks. David