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Game Fest South 2 -- call for names for badges

From: Ward B.
Sent on: Friday, August 7, 2009, 10:47 PM
Here's who I have coming up to Chattanooga for Game Fest South. If you are coming, send me your name for a badge. I will have blanks there. And the rates are the same at the door, not higher as stated at the site, which I'm having trouble changing (don't ask).

Ward Batty
Stven Carlberg
Mark Derrick
Jason Farris
Jennifer Farris
Jason Fordham
Trip Godel
Thomas Gore
Leon Hendee
Andy Hendee
Chad Huneycutt
Josh Johnson
Ron Johnson
Laurie Jones
Travis Jones
Bo Link
Bob Leopold
Lisa Leopold
Nathan Loden
Janna Nelson
Chris Oberst
Jeff Obermark
Daniel Phillips
Greg Price
Karen Reid
Kasey Relford
Dolly Relford
Scott Rasnic
Jessica Rasnic
Brian Ryden
Ron Temske
Jeff Watts
Adam Whitney
David Williams
Catie Williams
Joe Sack
Greg Schloesser
Mark Sautman
Ryan Sliwoski
Robert Trezise
Ron Temske
Jill Tarchala
Louis Vandenplas
Michael Weston?
Troy Zigler
Mark Zogby

Email me to add yours. Hope to see you there!


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