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Time to pass the torch again

From: Josh K.
Sent on: Friday, October 12, 2007, 7:50 AM
Last night's venue, the Vig Bar, was very good for us, the friendliest space yet. I hope we'll be there in the future.

But it's time for me to step down as organizer. After six months of it, I've realized that as a full-time freelancer I just don't have the hours to continue hosting us, though I'm still awash in new books to give away.

If you'd like to take charge of the BookCrossing Meetup, let me know. The subscription to Meetup is can be paid monthly, every three months, or semiannually. The last is cheapest, but you can try it month by month if you're not sure how committed you are.

We've got a very unique and strong book group here -- but it needs a more dedicated organizer.
