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New Event: El Orfanato (The Orphanage)

From: JediFonger
Sent on: Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 9:13 PM
Yes, I know! We absolutely gotta do this movie! It's awesome!

Announcing a new event for BOSTON MOVIE GROUP!

What: El Orfanato (The Orphanage)

When: Friday, January 4, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Genres: Supernatural Horror, Fantasy, Horror, Gothic Film

Why: Love to have discussions about the films after movie ends. The movie fans often goes out afterwards and socialize. I've seen this already@advanced screening, it rox!

Event Description: Runtime: 1 hr. 38 min. | R - some disturbing content

Cast: Bel?n Rueda, Fernando Cayo, Roger Princep, Montserrat Carulla, Andres Gertrudix

Director: Juan Antonio Bayona

The Orphanage, presented by Oscar-Nominee Guillermo del Toro, centers on a Laura (Belen Rueda from The Sea Inside) who purchases her beloved childhood orphanage with dreams of restoring and reopening the long abandoned facility as a place for disabled children. Once there, Laura discovers that the new environment awakens her son's imagination, but the ongoing fantasy games he plays with an invisible friend quickly turn into something more disturbing. Upon seeing her family increasingly threatened by the strange occurrences in the house, Laura looks to a group of parapsychologists for help in unraveling the mystery that has taken over the place.



Notes: Please do not RSVP YES if you do not intend to come. Yes is not a MAYBE. If you can't figure out what your going to do in the future, please do not burden us with that. Please buy your tix AHEAD of time! I'm going to watch this regardless of people coming, but it will more fun with people.

If it's downstairs, I'll be right behind the corded rope after ticket stubs have been ripped in front of the popcorn counter. If it's upstairs, I'll try to grab one of the tables in front of the coffee house near the large monumental windows.

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