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Freelance Opportunity

From: Eliran B.
Sent on: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 2:03 PM
Hello everyone in the meetup group,

 I am in the process of creating a new start-up called BoxJax.  BoxJax aims to revolutionize the music industry by breaking the wall between signed and unsigned musicians.  I'm looking for experienced LAMP and Flex Developers to take an active part in its development.  We are looking for dedicated people who are willing to take chances and be part of an exciting new idea. 

The ideal candidate should have solid technical skills, creativity, an ability to see the greater picture, and love music.  

In addition to being part of a dynamic new project from conception to birth, developers will be compensated with cash or promissory notes and future stock options.

Feel free to pass this email around.

Eliran Boraks

[address removed]

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