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New Meetup: Late Afternoon Long Slow Distance Run

From: user 9.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 2:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Boston Running Meetup Group!

What: Late Afternoon Long Slow Distance Run

When: September 5,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

This week I have moved the LSD meetup to Saturday because I'm planning on running a 5k Monday and need a rest day on Sunday, if you prefer a Sunday run feel free to join up next week instead!!

Have a long run to get in this weekend?
Kind of tough to enjoy (or suffer through) by yourself?
I propose we gut it out together!!
I'll be posting an invite for a long run each week until early October, join me!!

Email me if you have a route suggestion for this weeks LSD... I've found the run from the Fiedler footbridge, down to and across Arsenal St, up the Cambridge side of the river, and back over the Mass Ave bridge to Fiedler to be a nice route, but I'm flexible.

This week's schedule has me doing 12mi and I've been keeping about a 10 min pace of late, feel free to add on or subtract miles as you wish...


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