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Re: [brisbane-webtech] No December meeting of Brisbane Web Tech - back next year!

From: Scott
Sent on: Wednesday, April 3, 2013, 12:02 PM
Hi Tasha,

A huge contingent of developers that tell you they need to run their own servers are running them in basements or over ADSL connections, and they're not qualified as system administrators (either in certificates or experience). Whether you deal with outages from the hosting provider or outages from the developer's servers, they're just different sources of business disruption. If you're happy with the service/pricing already provided to you by a web hosting company, and you're comfortable with their offerings, don't change service providers at the whim of a developer. If I had an objection to your hosting provider I'd advise you upfront that I could only provide ongoing support on an hourly ad-hoc basis (billed), not an "all included" warranty. Choice of hosting provider isn't mutually exclusive to the artistic endeavor of creating a website.

If you're a blogger and not a business, don't stress about your hotmail address - if it's already your primary public contact address and you're comfortable with hotmail, is there really any need to change it?

If a professional developer is at all concerned about getting paid, they bill in hourly blocks or put together clear milestones with payment attached to milestones. Eg. rack up 20 hours, bill for that with 7 days for the client to pay, and if they don't pay, don't invest more time in the project. It's really not a difficult issue for the developer or the client if there's a clear understanding from the beginning, and the benefit of the web is that the client can watch the progress as it happens so they're not paying blindly.

this is the comment that prompted my reply:
If you are a legitimate enquiry, then you're not the sort of customer that I would want to be dealing with.  Totally the wrong mentality.
I think that's for the best really. Good luck with your hunt :)

Cheers, Scott.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Tasha Ace <[address removed]> wrote:
Thats great.  Okay, well thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for notifying me that you're interested in passing and for replying to my why.

Tasha Ace

+61 (04)[masked]  AU Cellular

+1 [masked] US Cellular


LIFE is about trusting our feelings
and taking chances, losing and finding
happiness, appreciating the memories
and LEARNING from the past." ♥


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [brisbane-webtech] No December meeting of Brisbane Web Tech - back next year!
Date: Tue, 2 Apr[masked]:39:13 -0400

A whole number of things.
1.  A lot of web developers will run their own servers so that we can ensure that there are no server related issues in the running of the web site that we can't directly fix.
2.  You have both USA and Australian cell numbers and exist via a Hotmail address. Which country are you in?  Big alert on that one for anyone who wants to get paid for their work.
3.  Read the reviews at the supplied link.  A hosting provider where things break and tech support only gives you stock answers to a question?  Pass.  And it gets worse.
If you are a legitimate enquiry, then you're not the sort of customer that I would want to be dealing with.  Totally the wrong mentality.

From: Tasha Ace
Sent: Wednesday, April 03,[masked]:20 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [brisbane-webtech] No December meeting of Brisbane Web Tech - back next year!

I am!  Why is that??

Tasha Ace

+61 (04)[masked]  AU Cellular

+1 [masked] US Cellular


LIFE is about trusting our feelings

and taking chances, losing and finding
happiness, appreciating the memories
and LEARNING from the past." Black heart (cards)


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [brisbane-webtech] No December meeting of Brisbane Web Tech - back next year!
Date: Tue, 2 Apr[masked]:19:03 -0400

I'll take a big wide pass.

From: Tasha Ace
Sent: Wednesday, April 03,[masked]:30 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [brisbane-webtech] No December meeting of Brisbane Web Tech - back next year!

I'm looking for someone to put together a few (3?) simple websites for me using host monster and wordpress.
Could I have people send inquires to me about this?

Tasha Ace

+61 (04)[masked]  AU Cellular

+1 [masked] US Cellular


LIFE is about trusting our feelings
and taking chances, losing and finding
happiness, appreciating the memories
and LEARNING from the past." Black heart (cards)


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [brisbane-webtech] No December meeting of Brisbane Web Tech - back next year!
Date: Sun, 2 Dec[masked]:51:26 -0500

Hi all,
With the festive season, everybody is overloaded with parties and other commitments - so we're skipping the December meetup. We'll be back in the new year - due to library room availability the week-of-month will change, but the day (Tuesday) will remain the same. A full announcement of the 2013 dates will be sent out and put in to the meetup calendar.
Thanks & have a good festive time.
Arjen & Pete.

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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