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RE: [php-46] Zend Involvement & 10% off all Zend Products

From: Coen H.
Sent on: Friday, February 5, 2010, 10:38 AM

Cheers Scott. We’re number 1 on the list J Whoo!


Is anyone interested in the webinar? I wouldn’t mind a talk on php5.3 but if it’s just going to be a sales pitch i’ll pass.


I used to be a big fan of Zend Studio but since moving to Eclipse it’s been very unstable.


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Thursday, 4 February[masked]:38 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [php-46] Zend Involvement & 10% off all Zend Products


Hey guys,


I was having a small problem with Zend Studio the other day after doing something a bit “out there” with some of the new PHP 5.3 features.


During the course of the chats with the guy from Zend, I mentioned the Brisbane PHP meetup.  He was quite interested and said that they are currently trying to network a lot better with the PHP groups out there.  He put our meetup on the Zend Local PHP groups for us -, and mentioned he might be able to organise an online webinar / skype type presentation on some of their latest innovations and products.


He also said that members of php groups can have 10% discount off all Zend products, including training, Zend Studio & Server.

So if any of you guys wants 10% off, here are the details:

·         Go to: Zend shop via this link

·         Enter coupon: 10OFFPHP


Zend studio really is a great tool – I recommend it… especially for big projects.






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