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Budapest BI Forum

From: Baptiste M.
Sent on: Thursday, September 3, 2015, 1:30 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm passing on a message on behalf of the Budapest BI Forum, an upcoming conference that will take place next month.

They're looking for speakers from the Hungarian Python community and I encourage you to respond to their "call for proposals".

The upcoming Budapest BI Forum (October 13-15) will host a dedicated Python Data track on the 14th, featuring a number of well-known  international PyData experts such as Wes McKinney, the creator of Pandas and Ian Ozsvald, the leader of the London Pydata community. We would like to include in the schedule as many speakers from the local Python community as possible, so we'd like to encourage the members of meetup group to submit a talk proposal to our CFP. Talks about real-world PyData use cases and intros the Python modules useful for data processing and analytics are especially welcome. The talks could be delivered either in English or Hungarian.  The CFP is available here: and it is open until this Friday.




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