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budapest.rb questionnaire

From: Miklos B.
Sent on: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:35 PM

Dear budapest.rb members,

the end of 2014 is coming! It was a very active year in budapest.rb's life. We had 8 meetups this year so far, and many new members joined this year: as of today we have 355 members! :-)

We'd love to hear your voice about budapest.rb, so we created a simple questionnaire. Filling it out shouldn't take more than 5 minutes and we are really curious about your opinion. The form is open until 7th December, but please don't forget to submit your answers, it's really important for the meetup's future!

Please find the questionnaire here:

The next meetup is going to take place on 17th December in SSP's office, where we'll let you know the summary of the questionnaire. This occasion is going to be special in two ways: Christmas meetups are always special, be prepared to go out for a beer afterwards. :-) But we'll have another thing to celebrate: the next meetup will be the 50th budapest.rb!

See you in December, and PLEASE fill out the questionnaire! :-)

budapest.rb team

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