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Registration ending: Last call for our Mindfulness Retreat this Sunday

From: BFF of C.
Sent on: Monday, June 4, 2012, 10:00 PM

Next Sunday is our Mindfulness Retreat: Many 12 step members and BFF of Ct members and friends will be attending. There will be no gathering this Sunday morning at Wesleyan University. You are welcome to attend and learn and practice to control your mind, stay present and live a life of gratitude.

Mindfulness Retreat 2012

Theme - This Present Moment

Lead by Dharma Teacher Senpai Daishin

Sunday June 10, 2012

Registration ends June 6, 2012

Our 10th annual one day Buddhist retreat (sesshin) will take place at the beautiful Dae Yen Sa Temple. The theme is This Present Moment which underscores presence and the profound sense of gratitude and interconnectedness. Our sesshin includes: basic sitting meditation instruction and practice, walking meditation, voice meditation, noble silence, discussions, and a delicious Korean vegetarian lunch.

Retreat Time: from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Arrival: 8:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.

Location:  Dae Yen Sa Temple, 19 Kinsey Road (off Route 202), New Hartford, Connecticut

No prerequisites: for beginner to the most experienced

Donation: $60 for non-member, $40 for members

Open to the public: for non-members, non-buddhists, members and buddhists

The sesshin’s program will include talks and practices on

The Art of Sitting & Walking

Healing Mantras

Everyday Mindfulness

Visit our New England Institute of Buddhist Studies, located in Middletown Connecticut for more details and online registration.

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