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lost items/twisted ankles

From: Gary M.
Sent on: Monday, February 27, 2012, 12:13 PM

No one has claimed the coat left at volleyball last week, plus now we have a new item.  Doug found one earring on the gym floor as he was sweeping last night.  We can't tell if it is worth anything, but wanted to at least try to find the owner just in case.

Also, we have had a couple twisted ankles recently, one on Wednesday and another last night.  In both cases it was two opposing players at the net who stepped on each other.  We can't do anything to change what happened, but going forward just try to be careful about staying on your side of the line.  If injuries happen on Wednesday nights there is a incident/accident report form that needs to be completed and submitted to the Burien Parks Department.  So make sure you tell me if you ever get hurt at  Wednesday volleyball.


Thanks, Gary McNeil


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