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London Cantonese Language February Meetup

Photo of Danny
Hosted By
Danny and Eric P.


Welcome to the London Cantonese Language (倫敦廣東話) meetup group.

We are an informal group consisting of a variety of people who can speak Cantonese as their first or second language. The group encourages every member to have a go at communicating in Cantonese although you are not obliged to do so, you may speak in English if you much prefer. However, we think this would be a good opportunity for you to practice your Cantonese with fellow members.

To rotate between the weekend days, usually on odd-numbered months, meetups would be on Sundays, while on even-numbered months, they should be on Saturdays.

As a summary of the day's event:

  1. 12-1.15pm: Meet at location stated for quick informal chat and drinks (no need to RSVP if only coming for this).
  2. 1.30pm-3pm: Head to a pre-booked restaurant for lunch
  3. 3pm~: Optional Free-time - usually go for drinks afterwards for extended social chat in a local bar
    Hope you can join us.


You are NOT required to RSVP if coming only for the coffee/free time session. Simply post a comment saying so or send us a message indicating this (you should also do this if you are likely to be late or held up on the day).

You are REQUIRED to RSVP if you wish to come along for lunch, please confirm by RSVP before the deadline date, usually the evening before the event.

Any "walk-ups" on the day who intend to join us for lunch would only be included at our discretion.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Any further queries, please feel free to send us a message.

Photo of The London Cantonese Language-Speaking Meetup Group group
The London Cantonese Language-Speaking Meetup Group
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