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New Meetup: Spend your Refund at Euchre

From: Keri
Sent on: Sunday, April 12, 2009, 1:25 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Phoenix Euchre Meetup!

What: Spend your Refund at Euchre

When: April 16,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Hi All-

Thanks in advance for catering to my schedule ;) I am out of town next Thursday and cannot bear the thought of no Euchre for several weeks in a row. Its kind of an addiction, you know?

I hope you are all getting fat refund checks and might be playing a little "reckless" Euchre this week. Bring those quarters.

P.S. What a great group we had last week. I am glad that several members have brought guests and friends to join fun!

P.S.S. With the new format, which everyone seems to love...please be at Hazelwoods no later than 630 so I can get a good head count and create the scorecard. If you are running late, send me a message on the meetup website. (Or my phone if you have that number)

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