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New Meetup: Portland July Cashflow Meetup, Eastside Location!

From: Sharon W.
Sent on: Monday, August 4, 2008, 6:24 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Portland Cashflow Meetup Group!

What: Portland July Cashflow Meetup, Eastside Location!

When: August 5,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: We welcome anyone who wants to improve their financial education, learn about how to invest, and change the way they see opportunities!

Why: We're taking Robert Kiyosaki's challenge seriously!

Meetup Description: The Portland Cashflow Meetup Group

The Portland Cashflow Group welcomes all levels of investors. Are you looking to learn and network with like-minded individuals, sharpen your money management and get out of the rat race?

We have the answer. We play Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow boardgame each month to learn the skills required for acquiring wealth. Robert Kiyosaki says "The more you play this game, the richer you'll get!"

We have games, so don't worry about bringing one. (They cost about $195 each!) We will train everyone on exactly how to play; no experience is required! Players at all levels will learn something every time they play, so relax, enjoy, network, and LEARN HOW TO GET RICH!!

This meeting is sponsored by Real Estate Service One and Nouveau Riche University, a leading authority on real estate investor education. Let us show you how to apply the skills you master in the boardgame to your real life and create amazing financial results! We hope you will join us as we build a community of like-minded investors!

Learn more here:

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