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Do YOU want to run this group?

From: Maureen
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 3:39 PM
It?s been just wonderful organising the Edinburgh Ceilidh Club since Nov 08. Lots of fun events, wonderful people attending and new friends made. Thank you to everyone who has supported us.

As off today I am also the organiser of the Edinburgh New in Town group.
This group has previously been run very successfully by the lovely Stephanie Taylor from the and more recently the equally lovely Cara Murphy. This club currently has 500 members and lots of exciting events lined up.

Through the Edinburgh New in Town group my plan is to continue nominating great ceilidh?s to attend and maybe organise a few on for charity each year.
Also plan to keep the Facebook page Edinburgh Ceilidh Club[masked]&ref=ts

So, if you would like to run this group please drop me a line and we can chat about it.

As I will be keeping the Facebook Edinburgh Ceilidh Club site it would be best to change this club name to avoid any confusion.

Hope to see you all at an event soon.
Kindest regards

Membership dues

£5.00 £5 per year or £1 per ceilidh.

This covers: Contribution towards web fees & administration costs.

Payment is accepted using:

  • PayPal

Refunds are not offered for this Meetup.

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