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Bible Geek Views Jesus as Myth, Book of Acts as Funny Fiction

From: user 9.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 9:17 AM

Dr. Robert Price is coming to town next week and giving a speech for CFI at the Lucky Lab on Thursday eve (April 10). I was able to talk to him and publish a podcast of our talk. Below is a little preview of what we can expect.

New Testament Scholar Dr. Robert Price Gives Brief Tour of the Search for the Historical Jesus

A small number of responsible and qualified scholars are currently representing a view of the the historical Jesus that is sure to have Christians rising from the church pews in indignant anger. These scholars are called “mythicists,” and they claim that Jesus was not an historical person, but a fictional or mythological character invented by early Christians. One popular proponent of the mythicist view is Dr. Robert Price. He is professor of biblical criticism at the Center for Inquiry Institute, and he teaches philosophy and religion at the Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary. Price is the founder and editor of The Journal of Higher Criticism. He is a Fellow of both The Jesus Seminar and The Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion, and he is also a Research Fellow for the Center for Inquiry Institute. Price is a prolific author – his work can be found at this link - and he also hosts two podcasts, The Bible Geek and The Human Bible. When I heard that Dr. Price would be in my home town of Portland, Oregon on Thursday, April 10 to deliver a speech titled, The Christ Myth,well, I just had to see if I could catch up to him and ask a few questions.

Thanks! Alan Litchfield, BAM Coordinator


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