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Meeting Clarification & Website Requirements Wiki Announcement re-send

From: Alex R.
Sent on: Friday, April 6, 2007, 9:10 AM
Due to some "human-to-computer miscommunication" on my part, our calendar system automatically copied our March meeting information over into April 10, which I then quietly cancelled hoping no one would notice. The Vista meeting was in March, and the next meeting is on April 17 (details at ) . There is no ICCA meeting on April 10. Sorry about any inconvenience this may have caused you.

On another topic, the message below was recently sent out, but many did not receive it due to yet another technical difficulty caused by anti-spam settings of the sender address (SPF). So, I am resending. My apologies for any duplicates:

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Five years after being awarded the "Best ICCA Chapter Website" in 2002, our website is starting to show its age. The ICCA-Chicago chapter has decided to start scoping out a complete redesign. I have volunteered to come up with a proposal on how to proceed and where to go from here.

I have created a Wiki to help us gather requirements for the redesign. A Wiki is a publicly editable document - the same software used by Wikipedia. The final proposal document will be presented to the Board for consideration.

Everyone is invited to contribute: board members, chapter members, national members, sympathizing non-members, outside experts, and even members of the general public who are actual or potential consumers of computer consulting services.

To see the proposal and start contributing, click now:
ICCA-Chicago Website Redesign Proposal Wiki

Every contribution is valuable - from a few words, to whole pages! So please check it out.


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