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Glad to hear Dee Dee is still on board & Heat Warning!

From: peta
Sent on: Friday, July 30, 2010, 11:25 AM
First, I was really glad to hear that Dee Dee will continue to lead this group.   With two kids, many of the events aren't convenient for us, but we keep trying!!
Second, Amber mentioned that the heat has been affecting her pug....and I wanted to report on problems my pug recently had.   
I was shocked at how quickly, and with so little stress this heat emergency developed, so a word of caution to everyone!
Fuji, our 10 yr old rescue developed a breathing emergency while riding in out air-conditioned car!   In less than two hrs, she went from OK to critical.   She sounded fine, but when I took her out of the car, (that I was riding in with FULL ON A/C), she was over heated,  with a puffed up belly.
We immediately took her to the Animal911 (thanks Dr. Gallegos!) and she was treated STAT.   Fuji had developed laryngeal edema, constricting her trachea and causing air to collect in her belly.  This caused more panting which caused even more swelling around her throat.
I had no idea how serious this became, and the vets were not sure she would recover.  she spent the night in the pug ICU, in an oxygen cage, with IV and surrounded with ice packs.  The next morning, she had stabilized, but I did have to take her home against their advice for financial reasons.
Thankfully,  the old girl is like Teflon - everything slides off her.   She is back to her old self, but this was a close call!    I thought that if I was cool, the pugs would be OK.  Our younger one was fine.  I will be much more careful in the future, and Fuji remains at home in a very controlled environment.
You can read all the gory details on our blog @