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Suvi- Tuulia Keto - Trumpet Recital at Roosevelt University this Monday!

From: Lori B.
Sent on: Sunday, February 10, 2013, 1:40 AM

I am forwarding this very nice invitation to all members
Thank you for sharing!!
Meetup Message from: Suvi-Tuulia Namleen Keto, Member of Chicago Classical Music Events

Suvi- Tuulia Keto - Trumpet Recital at Roosevelt University this Monday!

Greetings to all!

I want to welcome you to this trumpet recital which concludes my solo performance studies at Roosevelt University. In addition to Telemann´s and Arutiunian´s beloved trumpet concertos the program includes works from three Finnish composers: Harri Wessman, Jean Sibelius and Armas Järnefelt. Adding Finnish music to the program is my way of bringing a piece of my home country here in Chicago and sharing the song of my Finnish soul with you! You are warmly welcome!

When: Monday February 11, 2013, 7:30 pm
Where: At Roosevelt University, Ganz Hall, 7th floot, 430 S. Michigan Avenue
Cost: Free


G.P. Telemann: Concerto in D for Clarino
Harri Wessman: Sonata for Trumpet and Piano


Alexander Arutiunian: Concerto
Jean Sibelius: Valse Triste (1904)
Armas Järnefelt: Berceuse (1904)

Stephen Squires, Piano and conducting
David Schrader, Harpsichord
William Walker, Cello

The International Brass and Percussion Collective

Veerapun Nuttapong, Trumpet
Alicia Eisenstadt, Trumpet
William Gibson, Trumpet
Nathan Owen, Horn
Rachel Castellanos, Euphonium
Zhen Lei, Trombone
Javier Mañas, Tuba
Yulia Cherepanova, Percussion
Alex Atchley, Percussion
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