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What we’re about

Circle of Homeschoolers

WHO ARE WE?  We are homeschoolers. Some families use a private school affidavit others use a local charter school. Regardless of means, method, or philosophy we all just homeschool. We have kids of all ages from babies to teens. Some families join around preschool age others older but you must be a homeschooling family with kids.

WHAT WE DO AND WHERE?  We typically have several events a week and for the most part they are held in Orangevale, Roseville, and Folsom then wherever else our adventures take us! Our events include park days, field trips, holiday parties, creek days, classes, etc. and are held throughout the surrounding areas.

OUR ATMOSPHERE!  To help our group thrive we need our group events to be harmonious. We like our events to be peaceful, inclusive, and filled with kindness. We try to avoid having an atmosphere that includes yelling, being unkind or harsh, or filled with drama. This goes for both the parents and the kids.

We do ask that all older kids remember that they are influencing the younger crowd and that they must behave appropriately. We do not allow cursing, name-calling, or destructive/disrespectful behavior at our events. We can share information on our favorite curriculum and our favorite homeschool classes while our kids have a chance to learn and play together knowing that they are in a safe environment. If parents need to address issues with their kids, we ask that it is done so in a respectful way.

PARTICIPATION!  This group requires in-person participation and support from its members to be successful. We ask that each family contribute by hosting an event in some way: by setting up a field trip or tour, hosting a co-op, opening up their homes for an event, planning a park day, planning a themed park day, etc. With each family planning at least ONE event per year (you can even plan an event with a friend) we can greatly enrich our homeschool year. There are many ways you can help, just let us know what your strengths are and what you can offer to the group. When you know what you want to do, send me the information and I will post it on Meetup.

FEES  This group does require an annual fee. Dues, $15.00 per family, are good through OCTOBER. This will fund the Meetup site, but will also help the group by having people actually commit to being a part of it. Often free groups have lots of lookers without many active participants. By charging a fee, people tend to feel more committed and want to "get their money's worth" from the group by attending events and participating.

PROCESS TO JOIN  After sending a request to join look for a message on MEETUP from me so we can set up a date for you to attend a park day. If you do not attend an event with 30 days your request will be declined. Request again when your schedule opens.

  • Complete the profile questions
  • Have a profile picture of yourself and/or your kids (so we can find you at events)
  • Your profile name is your name or nickname (so we know what to call you)
  • Attend an event within 30 days of request
  • After attending at least one event should you decide the group is a good fit for your family, pay the annual dues, and the approval will be made.

If our group sounds like a good fit for you so far, please click above to join!! Check Meetup and allow me to message you. If you do not receive an email from me message me. We look forward to meeting you and your homeschooling family soon!!
