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From: Kara
Sent on: Friday, May 23, 2008, 11:42 AM
Is anyone a member of ????
It is a free site where you post your unwanted books and request books from other members. The sender pays for the postage (under $3) of the book and the requester pays nothing.  For each book you mail out you get a credit which you then use to "buy" a book you want.  You also get a free credit aftter posting your intial 10 books.  To keep it easy they have a feature where you can add money from your Paypal account into a postage account and you can print postage on your labels.
It is a lot of fun to use and I have even gotten some hardcover books as well as current bestsellers.

If you do join, please use my email name as a referral code [address removed] as they do give a free credit to the referrer.
If any of you are current members, consider making me a buddy. I have many unrequested books I would like to get rid of and if you do too we could just trade them at the next meetup.
Have a great long weekend.

****Don't buy animals from pet stores  - - - Adopt and Save a Life of a Homeless Animal!!   Go to