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Eat Meat on Mondays!!

From: Judith
Sent on: Monday, July 30, 2012, 6:38 PM
Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution.
Since the USDA has told its employees that Mondays should be meatless days, I herely declare Mondays to be steak and burgers days--forever! Fire up the grill and have a party---on my way out to buy some read meat (which I don't eat all that often) for Monday is Meat Day!!!    Must be that cattle ranchers  and chicken and turkey farmers tend not to vote demoncrap. 
Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution.
Since the USDA has told its employees that Mondays should be meatless days, I herely declare Mondays to be steak and burgers days--forever! Fire up the grill and have a party---on my way out to buy some read meat (which I don't eat all that often) for Monday is Meat Day!!!    Must be that cattle ranchers tend not to vote demoncrap.