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Fw: DOJ Goes After Public Library for Lending E-Books That Are 'Inaccessible' to the Blind; And Poll: More Officers Think Army Is Headed in Wrong Direction Than Right Direction

From: Judith
Sent on: Friday, August 31, 2012, 3:00 PM

 Note on the articles below.   I think the big thing is not to get hyuped about the Constituitonal amendment----they will NOT get that passed.   It's the sneaky ass tricks and EOs and FCC regs and the like that the bommunists will used to take over completely.    I still say we need to develop alternate systems, ham radio, morse code, whatever people can learn and use just in case they do something.  
There is NO evil I would put past these obthugs.    They have so much in common with the islamnazi whirling dervishes (that IS literallly their cultural background---and even further back to human sacrifice by burning) who dance and jump up and down when they murder a lot of people.  
Library for Lending E-Books That Are 'Inaccessible' to the Blind; And Poll: More Officers Think Army Is Headed in Wrong Direction Than Right Direction
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Today's Headlines:  Friday, August 31, 2012

DOJ Goes After Public Library for Lending E-Books That Are 'Inaccessible' to the Blind
Poll: More Officers Think Army Is Headed in Wrong Direction Than Right Direction

Romney: 'Five Steps' to a 'Better Future'

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Eastwood: 'When Somebody Does Not Do the Job, We Gotta Let 'Em Go'

Romney: I Learned From Experience

Labor Department Announces $75 Million in Education Grants for ‘Out of School’ ‘Youth’ Ages 16-24

Rep. West On Bias: ‘Media Is in the Tank’

A Sign in the Sky Above Tampa: 'Don't Believe the Liberal Media'

Sen. Toomey: ‘Disappointed’ Obama Wants Constitutional Amendment on Citizens United

Sen. Johnson: Obama, Democrats ‘Don’t Believe in Free Speech’

Cain: Opponents of Voter ID Laws ‘Just Looking for Easier Ways to Cheat’

GOP Rules Change 'Spits in the Face of Grassroots Conservatives,' Opponents Say

Rubio: Obama's Not a Bad Person: 'Our Problem Is, He's a Bad President'

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COMMENTARY:The ‘Large Purpose' of Romney-RyanBy Patrick  J. BuchananShould Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan prevail, what would be the "large and definite purpose" for which they and their party had been called to power? Answer: Put America's fiscal house in order and restore the prosperity the nation knew before the Great Recession.The Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code WordsBy Michelle MalkinIt's a treacherous business exercising your freedom of speech in the age of Obama. Whatever you say, it's bound to be labeled racist.Romney Met the TestBy Rich GalenThis was as good a speech as Mitt Romney can deliver. He is not a great orator, and won't become one. But, he does have a clear vision of what he believes he can accomplish, because he's done it before.Selling Sex and Candy?By L. Brent Bozell IIII watch some commercials on television and am amazed that the corporate sponsor really signed off on the product. Shock wins, and good taste is routed.CNSNewsTV: Check out our latest videos! Visit our website at | Advertise on E-brief Follow us on Twitter | Follow us on Facebook Donate Today!Please help keep bringing you The Right News - Right Now!Make a contribution to today. It's fast, simple and secure.Help and Donate Today!, the place for conservative videos
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