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One free ticket to see PC Ray Kelly tonight

From: Ron L.
Sent on: Thursday, April 28, 2016, 10:52 AM
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From: "Meetup Messages" <[address removed]>
Date: Apr 28,[masked]:47 AM
Subject: New messages in ✎ Charlie Euchner (The New York Conservatives Meetup Group)
To: <[address removed]>

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I have two tickets for tonight's (Thursday, April 28) Yale "Dis-Invitation" dinner event featuring former Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

The "Dis-Invitation" event features speakers who were invited to speak at colleges but then pressured not to speak because of PC thought police.

Tonight's dinner is at The Plaza (58th and Fifth). Drinks at 6:30, dinner and speech to follow.

Anyone in your organization interested in using my extra ticket? Email me at [address removed]­

April 28,[masked]:44 AM
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