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From: Joseph
Sent on: Thursday, August 16, 2012, 8:19 PM
Here is an explanation for the "GOD IS AWESOME " posting.
1-I received this article from a "Christian Believer" who thought
   it was 'Proof ' that supports her 'Belief In God '.
2-I thought that it was a very ridiculous, un-believable article,
   that any 'thinking' person would never consider using as
   a support for their religion.
3-I posted the article as a sarcastic statement. My thinking was,
   "How can any one read such an article, and still be a believer ?"
4-I thought that any Atheist who read this ridiculous article,
   would laugh, as I did.
We Atheist frequently say, "If the Christian Believers would read
their Bible, it would make of them, 'Non-Believers'.
I thought that the article was so ridiculously stupid, that any other
Atheist who read the article would see the 'sarcasm' that I intended.
It is amazing to me, that 'God Believers' actually use ridiculous
articles such as this, to strengthen their Belief in their 'Awesome God',
as they bow their heads in prayer to their 'Imaginary Deity'. Never the less,
there are billions of people on this planet who see the 'thinking' that is in
this article as 'acceptable proof ', that supports their religious beliefs.
Because of the way the article is worded,,,
I am 50% convinced that the original writer of the article, was a
Non-Believer, who wrote the article as a sarcastic statement against
Believing in the Super Natural. I think, that 'Some Christian' read the
article and then re-wrote it, slightly changing the wording, so that,
the article became a ' support ' for their ' Imaginary, Awesome, Deity '.
If more of our group find my 'sarcasm' unacceptable,,,
Then I shall remove the article.

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