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New Meetup: NOVA Crocheters July Meetup #1 - Grounded Coffee, Alexandria

From: Erika
Sent on: Friday, June 26, 2009, 8:21 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for NoVA Crocheters!

What: NOVA Crocheters July Meetup #1 - Grounded Coffee, Alexandria

When: July 12,[masked]:00 PM

Get together with others for some relaxed crochet time at Grounded Coffee Shop. For more information about Grounded, visit This event will last approximately two hours. You are welcome to stay later, but please note that the store closes at 3 p.m. on Sundays.

This coffee shop is located just outside of Kingstowne at the intersection of Telegraph Road and South Kings Highway. There is plenty of free parking available in this little shopping center, though you may have to park behind the row of buildings where the coffee shop is located. Rides to/from the Metro can be arranged.

Seating is limited at this location, so please update your RSVP if you are unable to attend to allow space for others who may wish to attend. A waiting list will be available in case the seats fill up.

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