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The Colorado Springs Open Source Software December Meetup

From: Gary
Sent on: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 9:54 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Colorado Springs Open Source Software Meetup Group!

What: The Colorado Springs Open Source Software December Meetup

When: December 17,[masked]:00 PM

East Library Community Room
5550 North Union Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

6:00 - 6:30 PM - Food, Drinks & Networking
6:30 - 6:40 PM - Announcements
6:40 - 7:10 PM - Basic Concepts
7:10 - 7:20 PM - Break
7:20 - 8:40 PM - Main Speaker
8:40 - 8:55 PM - Door Prize Drawings

Developing a Real Application with OSGi

OSGi has become a popular modularization framework for building server applications in Java. We'll start with a quick overview of OSGi. Then we'll review tools, frameworks and best practices used to develop applications and components for OSGi. Lets tie it all together by building a simple OSGi based application and unit tests using some of these tools. Time permitting, we'll take a look at upcoming directions for the OSGi spec.

Chris Custine

Chris is a Software Architect at Progress Software Corporation working on the FUSE open source product line and is also a committer on Apache ServiceMix, Felix, and Directory Server.

Whither Micro Java?

The cell-phone version of the Java Virtual Machine is estimated by Microsoft to be available on two billion phones presently in use. It may therefore be surprising that this mature technology is widely considered to be the "least cool" application delivery platform of the Iphone Age.

What Sun created ten years ago was a specification without a corresponding implementation of the sort that made Java free and popular on desktop platforms, and the result has been a programmer's nightmare of incompatible and buggy JVMs on an incredible variety of phones.

Now phone makers and service providers are desperate for new features, distribution strategies, and buzz to compete with Apple, and even open-source is part of the push to revive this technology.

Jeff Fox

Jeffrey R. Fox was educated at Reed College (B. A.), Cornell University (M. S., Ph. D., chemistry), and studied fluid and mixture properties at Stanford University and the National Bureau of Standards (now N. I. S. T.) in Boulder. He was a co-founder of the materials-properties software startup Cryodata, and later an embedded distributed controller specialist at MCI. He is presently a software design consultant, the "tech" guy at Virginia K. Fox Translations, and a sometime educator (secondary science and mathematics). His open-source offerings include Forth language interpreter/compilers for very low resource systems, cache resident systems (FoxForth), and application embedding (123Forth and @Forth for spreadsheet control and function library programming), kinetic and statistical physics (simulated annealing), and support and maintenance for on-board Forth, Java and GCC programming tool chains for smart phone and PDA environments. His first "public domain" software offering was a four player hockey game based on molecular dynamics published in 1984.

Website Sponsor:
Homeland Security Careers
Food Sponsor:
Door Prize Sponsors:
Jetbrains Software license (Several products to choose from)
JavaRebel Software license
Atlassian Technical books
OReilly Publishing Technical books
Sun Microsystems Additional door prizes

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