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The Culti Newsletter October 8: "The Pain of Blond German Women" and "Climate Change and The Nationalistic March of the Lemmings"

From: Arjan
Sent on: Thursday, October 8, 2015, 9:17 PM

Hi all,

For some time to be this is my last mail which also gets sent to the Friends of Culti Meetup Barcelona about the Culti Value "'Freedom". I've also sent this mail to some other Culti Meetups. This mail has been sent to around[masked] people in 4 countries which are under the Big Like Button ( under the thumb...) of Our Beloved Holy Leader called "EU". But after this mail, and as far as it concerns Culti Meetup Barcelona, it's.... Back to Fun! In general the mails I sent to groups in the North of our royal tightness "EU" are structured like this: first, easy stuff... Community news.... Tips.... Pictures.... And than....... There is the heavy stuff, which is called the "Free Speech Zone". From here on, I'll also work like this in the Barcelona part of the Culti Community. If you dont like heavy stuff, than just stop reading when the fun part is over. So... Here we go :)

First, I want to announce the arrival of LANGUAGE MEETUPS in Culti Group Barcelona! We will try some language meetups in the What's Up bar, and with these meetups we also make.... A statement! In the Culti Meetup in Brussels, we use English on weekend days, but on Wednesday, when we practise languages, than we opt for the local languages. In Belgium the 3 local languages are: Dutch, French and German.

So in Oktober and November we will try out several Catalan and Spanish language meetups in the What's Up bar. The reason why comes down to this: Catalan is the language of Catalonia, so any expat that wants to become a long term resident in Catalonia should learn this language. Unless one is not that skilled in learning languages or so. But than you need to make certain at least the kids learn Catalan. BTW - Johan Cruijff is the best example of a long term resident in Catalonia who sucks at Catalan. But all of his kids speak Catalan, as far as I know. More on all these language and political issues in the Free Speech Zone.

These two Language Meetups will be posted as soon as possible. In Culti Meetup Barcelona. And now.... On to MEETUP TIPS first and the FREE SPEECH ZONE later:)

Here we go...


Always wanted to see Luxemburg? Well, here you go :) (With Cherry Travel.) On Friday October 10, Rotterdam is the place to be! Meet Karim and a lot of other expats, long term residents and locals in.... The Culti Meetup at N HOW.

If you already wanted to go to Amsterdam for a long time, than maybe do so on October 17? Because that's when the Friends of Culti Group invite everyone who makes it across the door step to The Culti Meetup at DE KROON.

Or, come to a Meetup in Brussels on wednessday, we have two language meetups on far most wednessdays, that's why. The Next one in Essen is.... This saturday! We will meet at Vapiano. And in Frankfurt, just come to the October 24 Meetup in Starbucks, but do make certain you're on time, because we will move away from the coffee after one cup. Also, in time, we will meetup close to the Aachen Hbf.

And now.... The nice part of the mail is over, lets go to the serious part. To the things which need to be said :).


"Free speech" is a like a dark angel - she CAN help you, but only if you lock her up in a place where you can find her, whenever you need her. And she WILL be there for you. If not? Than, she's dark, without being an angel.

And if you let her fly and be FREE? Than, she will change into a monster. A monster which takes your soul away. Than you, like her, are a dark angel. And that's all she wants anyway: to make things dark.

Because, yes, also the dark angels of free speech are afraid of the light. That's why, most of the time, they hide themselves in between nice words only. But NOT in..... The Free Speech Zone. That's where they are letting the cat scream. Just to get it out.











The Pain of the Blond German Women

In all to many cases what you see is not what you get. More and more Frisian, Dutch and German women have blond hair, where their hair really is dark blond, or brown, black or in more and more cases: grey. So the question in all to many cases isn't: why are German women blond? Neh. The question is: why did they choose to be blond? And the answer is really simple: because they made that choice. They opted for being blond German woman. Its just a hype. And that's all it is. The hype is there already for around 8.000 years - but still - its just a hype.

If I look at the picture, than I could see a female chauvinist racist. Just look at what she says..... "A lot of males remain to be 25, also when they are 60". If looked at in a rational way, this woman should be taken to court. Because, just add the word "Black" or ""Frisian", and than you get.....

"A lot of black males remain to be 25, also when they are 60."
"A lot of Frisian males remain to be 25, also when they are 60."

Or, just replace it for a religion.

"A lot of Muslims remain to be 25, also when they are 60."
"A lot of Jews remain to be 25, also when they are 60."

Or, throw it back:

"A lot of women remain to be 25, also when they are 60."

But when people are haters, and this woman is a hater, than the better question is: where does the pain which caused the hate come from? Why are a lot of German women so filled with hate, and pain? Because yes, there is hate there. Plus there is acceptance for it. If I read the Frisian newspaper, I never see a woman ranting about males. We (all Frisians, male of female) wont put up with it. Also: Frisian women are happy about their males, well, OK, the ones that didn't go abroad, that is.

Maybe the more masculin ones started taking part in the "Hollanders Nation" already for many many centiries. If I look at Dutch newspapers, than I am seeing a lot of women that really are like males, but a lot more attractive on pictures and so, with beneath their clothes a vagina and breasts. In stead of with an 11th little finger. That sometimes changes into a small cum-cumber, but let's not get into that one to much.... This where if I see German papers, than I am seeing a lot of women that opted for being a woman that rants about males, in stead of opted for trying to be a better man than the males. Like the "Hollander" women did. In the Hollander part of the NL's it seems to makes sence. Because Dutch males are acting like women too. But without the things that make a woman nice or pretty, when it comes to the needs of more authentic males. In the "Hollander Nation", which is a cultural nation in some inner cities and suburbs of the NL's only, there is a social experiment going on, and its about gender exchange. I wish the ones that are taking part in it a lot of fun and luck with it, they are going to need it I guess. It wont last.

But German women, they are different. They are authentic women. The language isn't the difference, because the German language is a dialect of Dutch only. The German dialect of the Dutch language is a bit more punctual than the authentic Dutch is, but its not very different. Some people think of it as a new language, but this "some people" is me. To call "German" a language, is just misleading nationalism to me. Maybe the Dutch Language and the German dialect are like twins now, but if so, they are Siamese twins. In Arab countries, people that dont understand each other in many cases say they talk "Arabic". And TV Arabic gets called "Modern Classic Arabic". In former Yugoslavia, at school people got told Serbian and Croation were dialects of Serbian Croatian language. The main difference between Dutch and German is a tone shift. Understanding the tone shift is understanding these languages really are like dialects to each other. So if the language doesn't make German women different, than what does? Why are "'Hollander" women women, but in a biological sense more than anything else? And why are Frisian women authentic and happy? Why do the Dutch and Frisian women have around 2 kids on average? And why are the Blond German women letting the Blond German Cultural Nation die? ( "Blond" like "Women that like to make their hair blond").

Well, maybe don't ask me. Maybe ask the woman on the picture that might be pretty, but seems to be trying to chase all males away anyway. After a German woman tried to keep me on friendly distance, but failed to do so, ( I will spare you from all details), I got to hear even more stories about Germany that I already did. Germany is one of my biggest interests. Also I removed her pain about being German, I did so by explaining she's a human being first, a woman second, and German after that only. This is after she felt responsable for something she didn't do. Sometimes its better to think from the present human perspective than from the historical German perspective. And, besides, she didnt want to be blond anyway. This also helped.

In that story, I heared the FEMININ take on the German identity for the first time. And it wasn't the take which the women that made it to the newspapers have, these women really are not normal German women. Writers, actors and politicians sometimes pretend to be normal - but in reality, they are special. Or insane, or both. Male, female: doesnt matter. Normal people dont make it to the top. Unless they life in a small nation like Friesland, but Germany is NOT small. I have no idea why German papers publish these racist extreme feminist rants, but I already noticed a long time ago that German women are getting a LOT of space to rant, boss males around, be stupid, be opionated and, and ( and this matters the most): be WRONG.

What the woman on the picture says, is 100% bollocks. The only thing it proves is this: women don't understand males. Not even the ones that copy the way real males are like. Well, than why pretend you understand? Tsja. Maybe this is what someone should ask that woman. But where does all the pain come from? Well, the answer is simple. From the 20th century. So, I have good news for all German women, males and kids who have spend at least 25% of their lifes in THIS century: the 20th century is OVER. Its the century of some and not all of your forefathers only. It's not yours. Its dead history. Find the pain that your parents gave to you, isolate it, and LET IT GO. And than, back to work! Stop being such a hater. Be a lover! And..... Get Blond Germany two kids at least. ;)

That last remark was a joke, of course. But, yes, a lot of happy women get a lot of happy kids. Or at least, more than one. That's why the previous generations of German women in all to many cases only had one, or noon. The only reason why was: they were not happy. And who makes women happy? Males? Well, in more and more commercials I see ( if aimed at selling cars to females), I do see females that talk, but only to their female friends or alwaus happy kids. And... The man? His only job is to sit still, be pretty and do nothing, unless being asked. Maybe this explains why more and more people have a problem finding a partner. People who only sit still, are pretty and do nothing, they only exist in car commercials.

Thanks for reading,

Culti Arjan


I don't want to spend to many words on the why's and where's, but I have decided to start with Catalan Language and Spanish Language Meetups in Barcelona. Spanish is a minority language in Catalonia, and not a local language. But Culti Group is neutral. Plus, well, English was is and will always be a minority language in Ireland, even if 99% of all Irish people speaks English. It's the skindeep principal that counts here. The principal is: the local language of the island Ireland, of course, is Irish. As far as I know, Ireland has one local language only, so all other languages are minority languages or foreign languages. Sure only fools believe they know what is a language and what is a dialect, but the difference between the North Sea Germanic language English one hand and the Celtic Irish on the other hand, is big enough to make the point I made. Where a language like Frisian changed into Dutch with a Frisian accent in the North West of the NL's, there Irish can't change into English. Because the position in the language tree is too different.

On the presence of English on Ireland: sometimes after seeing an empire go down, it takes some time to learn your own language again. Most certainly when the language the fallen down empire left behind is such a strong and flexible one. Having that said, Culti Arjan might not be neutral - but make no mistake - Culti Group IS neutral. Therefor Spanish gets treated as if it is a local language in Barcelona, because a lot of the friends of Culti Group think of it as a local language. Simple like that. Plus.... Its a nice language to practice anyway.

Ok, next topic - nationalism! There are two kinds of nationalism: the moderate, grounded, left winged cultural nationalism on the very reasonable side. And the kind of in-rational exterme left and radical right winged one on the less reasonable side. Which is misleading Nationalism. Its the kind of nationalism where a group of landowners or experts shape an elite. And this elite will try to get a grip on the cultural nationalism which exists on the soil they are exploiting. After the soil is dried out, the elite leaves - and the civilians can try to survive on now poor ground. This elite can be a group of royalties, it can be the superrich, it can be fake communists, but the kind of groups which shapes elites always has one thing in common: they are farmers that don't farm animales or grow crops - no - they farm other human beings and they keep these other human beings under the thumb with violence, drugs and with fake freedoms, like hedonism. Or with abusing religion.

All kinds of right winged nationalism are misleading kinds of nationalism, where most of the left winged nationalism is cultural nationalism. Right winged thinking is misleading anyway, it doesn't mean all right winged people are bad, but it all falls together, because these people are misleading or misleaded people. If its right winged, it sucks or it gets sucked. But also on the left, there sometimes is the wrong kind of nationalism. Also: where each and every kind of nationalism which comes from the right is tricky at least, there on the far right side, there also are extreme right figures who confuse their insanity for nationalism. But that kind of "nationalism" isn't nationalism at all. That kind is just evil. Which leaves us with two kinds of nationalism: the use-full moderate left winged nationalism of the Frisian FNP and the Scotish SNP. This is the good kind. And the over emotional reactive nationalism in Catalonia plus deeply conservative nationalism in Spain. Which is the bad kind. Most of the nationalism on Iberia comes from the right, which makes the situation different than in Friesland and Scotland.

Right winged nationalism in general ends up being a march of lemmings a lot more than anything else. In Catalonia at the last elections close to 50% of the electorate voted for a march of the lemmings. A march which wont just take Catalonia but all of Iberia over the edge, if it just keeps on going and doesn't change direction. If this march continues at the current speed, it will end up putting Spain on the same place as the USSR and Yugoslavia. An idea which some Catalans nationalists like. But there is one little thing some people forget: when a lame giant dies and falls, there will be an earth quake.

After turning the issue up and down, and after writing a story which ended up being spaghetti, but which also was a great teacher to me, the problem in Catalonia to me seems to be as simple as this: should the Catalans go for 99% of for 100% independence? It's a tricky question, because in a way 99% independence is 99% freedom. But.... It's 0% independence. Still, the answer is easy. Going for 100% in this timeframe of history, comes down to blowing the lame multi national state Spain to pieces. Which will cause hate in the direction of Catalans. Therefor it comes down to the need of making a very strong Catalan army. For which there is no money. So it comes down to throwing all of Iberia in the deep depths of poverty, and it comes down to putting FC Barcelona in the same football league as the kind of clubs where the players have a beer for breakfast. Therefor, gaining 100% independence in the foreseeable future will come with a price which is way to high. Which makes the people that follow the current right wingers just as profound as the people who believe the previous Spanish king is a profound person, in stead of a person who has a master degree in seeing a modern healthy nation where thers only is a criple old giant. So where others see the previous king of Spain there I am seeing a silly old man who sees Fata Morgana's. Plus who was a rude unfaithfull man when his gears still worked. And who will always be a coward who killed animals for fun.

On the picture above the true nature of kings with too much power gets shown. SO: The best king is a dead king! ( And one kills a king by taking away his land from him. This is what the Dutch did in 1848: The king could keep his title if the democrazy would get the power.... Plus.... The king had to give up his freedom of speech. IF you have a king, than have one who just SHUTS it....)

Individuals can't be kings. Even if they are good kings, its to much power in to little hands. The only people that should be king is the people themselves. Than people can deal with people, in stead of kings with kings. On the relations between one people and the other: please make no mistake, there are no shared German interests in between Dutch and Germans. Also there are no shared English interests in between Scots and English people. Likewise, there are no shared Spanish interests in between Catalan and Spanish people. But there are shared Iberian interests in between Spanish and Catalan people, and this should be the common ground to walk on. But what do the leaders of the right winged Catalan nationalist party want? An army! Morons... Because there is no need for it, unless you change the other people on Iberia from friends into enemies.

If Iberia stands united, than on the North you have the mountains, and north of that France, a nuclear power. Which has no ambitions when it comes to gaining ground in the south. And in the south Iberia has Gibraltar, which is the most power-full nation on Iberia, because it is a nuclear power. This little rock is very powerfull because of its ties with the UK. And only for this reason. This provides safety for Iberia. And the taxpayer on Great Brittain pay for it, because they consider that rock to be one of their tits or balls or so. Well, good news for Iberia I'd say, if a nation far far away wants to invest so much money in protecting Iberia. Of course the Brits aren't protecting Iberia, they are protecting Europe. But the effect is the same: Gibraltar is the most power-full nation on Iberia, and it's a nation which doesn't have any ambitions to gain ground.

In the west you have Portugal. Which is a far from rich but stable nation. Which has no budget for being a danger to anyone at all. So if Catalans and Spanish come to terms, than the Catalans do not need an army at all! Which makes the march for 100% freedom in stead of 99% look like a march of the lemmings. Wanting that last 1% seems to be silly. Because getting that last 1% will destroy the Iberia as it is now. And if Iberia goes down, than Catalonia WILL go down with it.

BTW - the march of the Lemmings I am writing about, is the march of the kind of Lemmings which walk over a PC screen. When I was a young adult, I used to play this game "Lemmings". That's about letting a lot of lemmings walk to a save heaven. Or, depending on the game level, only some. And that last level is the level in which the leaders of the right winged Catalan nationalists are playing their game.

So, after REALLY turning this topic up side down several times, I came to the conclusion that the best way forward of this kind of nationalism, is the way to the museum. My kind and unasked advise is: settle for 99%. Change independence into a long term objective. Because how can one survive if the forrest you life in will be on fire?? That's why my kind advise is: come to Friesland. Learn from the FNP. You have FC Barcelona, they have SC Heerenveen. You have Espanyol or so, they have Cambuur. But you are chained. And they have good relations with the Netherlands, without having good relations with Hollanders. That's why we have had a lot of wars with these feodal minded ""Holland""freaks. But one does not have to be friends in order to co-exist in a costructive way. So, we stopped killing each other 491 years ago. The Hollanders still have the upperhand in The Netherlands. But if the expats take over in Amsterdam and The Hague, and this is happening right now, than "Holland" will become to be an ugly nickname of the The Netherlands, and nothing but that. The REALLY big guys in The Netherlands aren't "Hollanders" anyway. They are native Dutch speakers, but they are way to smart for using this nickname for themselves, because they know that in the barbanter one sees on social media statements coming from Limburg and Friesland, "Hollander" doesn't mean "Dutch". It simply means "bossy ashhole". And these rich dudes do not want to lose Limburg or Friesland. The Frisians are the kind of people one wants in their own team, and the Limburgers.... Well.... They have Limburg. Which is of great strategical value.

So, the Frisians got tired of fighting. This is because our national hero, Big Pier, got tired of fighting. And died in his bed of old age later on. This man, which could have taken the Frisians all the way to Rome once again (if he would have wanted this), saw all the treason and back-stepping that comes with leaving the artificial hills and natural lows of Friesland.... So he called it the day, and the biggest warrior the world has ever seen, a 2,2 meters tall giant, just went home with the mindset: "Please let me mind my own business". Or at least, this is how I'd like to bend this story, which btw in reality is far more impressive than in this version. This man saw his wife killed by his enemies, and after that he single handidly created an army and liberated Friesland. But it didnt last.

And in the centuries after this couple of decades of 100% freedom, ONLY the Nazi's could inspire the Frisians to pick up their weapons again. In many Frisian villages, the Frisians liberated themselves only two days before the allied armies arrived. But they DID do it themselves. And they prepared for this move for some years indeed. And after they made the Nazi's leave themselves, first the Canadians came. Later, the Dutch came back. And the Frisians? They have better things to do than fighting. Most Frisians have a "Never again"" feeling concerning all the burned down cities and dead bodies Big Pier left behind in the sea in between Friesland and The West of The Netherlands, and on the soil of the West of The Netherlands. Never - never again. Unless there is no other way than going down that road again, ofcourse. Which has been the case only in April 1944. We, Frisians, will never accept central power, but also we know our place. We are a small nation.

Back than, when we took on the Nazi's, we had the Italian / German attempt to take over in Europe. Right now we are dealing with a French / German attempt to take over. Sure the "ideology" which is used (Neo Liberalism) is a LOT less evil than the one the Italians and Germans used 80 years ago. So, we took up arms against the Nazi's, but we are ignoring the rize and fall of the new strong man called "EU". We are and old people, and we are amongst the most wise people on the planet. Most empires destroy themselves within a century. But all empires destroy themselves sooner or later. The empires came and left, but we already are in Friesland since the very start, because we CREATED Friesland - we made artificial hills on the low lands. And these artificial hills are the birthground of our nation. We had our own small empire once, but we remained to be more than a small empire, and that's.... Why we are still here.

Is the EU "'More than an empire?". Well, the EU is the kind of empire where the leaders walk from crises to crises. Sure if a local crises changes into a local war, than they WILL step in - but 5 years to late. Such empires might become to be usless with the speed of light, and than this kind of empires will change into treaty organizations only, or they will fall on the ground over night, also possible. But what the EU does in the current Catalan case is: they are supporting political Madrid as long as political Madrid doesn't use the only tool that can make them save Spain in the way it is now. So in fact the EU isn't a part of the solution, it's a part of the problem. Because the EU is an empire under construction, which the people on Iberia depend on. But only because they have no other choise. On the long term they, like all of Europe, the people on Iberia might be better of without the EU - but this doesn't help out that much in the middle of a crises. Right now the Holy EU has a strong grip on political Madrid. And a crises IS evolving on Iberia. It's the young and fresh Catalan people against two lame giants. The Catalans CAN winn this one, but the price will be to high.

Maybe the Catalans for now the best way to go, is to put up with the chains international law has created. These chains are there for a reason. The other option is breaking free over night. Which btw would mean that the Catalans are breaking international law. International law says: a nation which is inside a multinational state, has to stay there, unless other people in that multinational state burn the place down. It's not fair, but it is fair enough, because there IS a Catalan right for getting 99% freedom from Spain. And going for 100% comes down to taking the risk to set the place on fire. Plus FC Barcelona will winn every match with 10-0 because Catalonia will get outlawed. 10-0 versus amateurs from other Catalan cities that is.

Now, other than the Catalan nationalism, there also is Spanish nationalism on Iberia. IF this would be moderate and progressive nationalism, than the Spanish nationalists SHOULD do what Russia did, but in a less radical way. Russia left the USSR in a split second, when the Russian president told the USSR president he was the president of a multinational state that didn't exist anymore. But just like the Catalan nationalism, the Spanish nationalism isn't moderate. In fact both of these kinds of nationalism are the same, both are misleading. But the Spanish nationalism is more dangerous, because it has more political power. I have no idea what's next on Iberia, but than again: who does?

Meanwhile, the effects of climate change are becoming to be more and more visible. While the Netherlands already adapted to climate change 1300 years ago, when the Netherlands didn't exist, and when around 80% of the same area was the decentral Frisian Kingdom, the Frisians already did what the world needs to do now. This is: outsmart nature, but on a local level only. A system of dykes and dams started to exist, which if well maintained is a climate change proof system. This is why: the Frisians evolved from a people of Island builders to a people which reclaimed land from the sea. The Frieslands, which these days are called "The Netherlands" (but really are "'The Frieslands", but without West Flanders and Ost Friesland and plus Brabant, Limburg, Gelderland and so), therefor are the world champions of adapting to changing environmental conditions. The Dutch, who took over in The Netherlands, have created a league of their own when it comes to outsmarting nature on a local level. So The Netherlands will make shitloads of money on climate change. As always, The Dutch make money on problems elsewhere in the world. Tsja.

Sure the changing winds and storms can cause serious local problems in The Netherlands, but we'll be fine. We'll were and will be a save heaven, that's why we have 400 people on every square KM. And that's cool, the number shouldn't go up anymore, but it's cool. We'll be fine. The same thing can't be said about the rest of the world. In Barcelona, last week the Climate Change Meetup group died. Noon was interested. So the organizer called it the day. This where there ARE some problems in Barcelona. People who life downtown Barcelona can smoke as much as they want, with the air quality it really doesn't matter. And just like in a lot of cities with a metro system, a lot of people in Barcelona have skin diseases. But other than that, Barcelona has a very good climate. The northern part of the city tends to have kind of clean air. So the local climate IS good for once health, unless one spends to much time in the metro system or downtown.

Also global changes wont take this city down. But Madrid will be in the middle of new dessert if the politicians keep on fighting each other, in stead of making all of Iberia Climate Change proof. Right now a young talented farmer I know has the right skills to make money on very dry but not 100% dry ground. But he's not interested in going to Iberia. The good parts in the north are already gone, and the parts in the middle and the south, which are the challenging parts, are occupied by an army of bureaucrats who want a lot of formal payments and who also create an extra problem, which is asking for informal payments. The best farmers, who btw aren't motivated by money, have more and more dry land to choice from, so they might not come to Iberia if the current political elite in Madrid doesn't get recycled.

Back to Barcelona. This city has hills just north of it and these hills are very close to the coast. This protects the city versus extreme rains, which it has anyway. Which means the landscape already has been shaped by it. Just like The Netherlands, Catalonia might very well be one of the area's where people can still life in big numbers at the end of this century. But..... As long as the voters on Iberia behave like lemmings, than the small adjustments that as far as I can tell are needed in Catalonia concering making it climate change proof (and I really shouldn't say to much here), wont be made. Because some nationalist dude wants to invest money in an army in stead of in making Catalonia Climate Change proof. Nationalism is good, but this kind of nationalism is not. In fact this kind of nationalism is tricky to say the least. But "dangerous" is the best way to tag the current kind of nationalism in Catalonia. It behaves more like a virus than like a profound idea. It's the kind of nationalism which makes everything look the same. There are to many flags, and there are not enough idea's. This is old wine in new bottles only.

Let's get to an and. I have written all this because of the Culti Group Value "Freedom".... What's that anyway, "frrRRRReeedom!!!" ? Tsja..... On the abstract level, 100% freedom doesn't exist at all. No one can do whatever he or she wants, there always are limits to what one can do, so there always are chains. Also noon knows what he or she REALLY wants. Therefor, maybe the only freedom we have is being able to choose what chains look best on us.

Thanks for reading,

Culti Arjan

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