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Important survey regarding Slovaks & Czechs living abroad

From: Stanka
Sent on: Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 5:46 PM

Hi everybody!

Hope the meet-up tonight went well! I can't wait to join you next time, just have to plan it well in advance since it's across through whole London for me. Anyway...

I would like to let you know about this interesting online survey among Slovaks & Czechs abroad. Please let the world know your plans regarding your potential return back home to Slovakia and your preferences regarding working at home or abroad. The goal is for the employers in Slovakia / Czech republic understand motivations and preferences of brains abroad and whether there is any way they could motivate them return back home & build their careers there.

It will take not more than 15 min and your opinion is important! The results will be statistically analyzed and presented in media, home and abroad. Thanks in advance:

Stanka Svecova

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