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RE: [dachshund-448] Any Doggy Dermatologist recommendations?

From: Arlene S.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 8:43 AM
  From my experience with my doxie Sonny, when he was biting the base of his tail was allergies.  First time was from using one of those back of neck treatments for fleas.  Second time was a flea bite reaction.  (food is common to, as macy said..grains & chicken) said most important to catch it ASAP cause it can turn into a habit continuing cycle and not allowing your dog to heal.  (I have a friends who's little dog is just a mass of sores now that she always sad.)   The cortazone is not something you want to keep doing over long period of time...  Best Wishes..
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---Original Message---
From: [address removed]
Sent: 9/24/2012 2:21 pm
To: [address removed]
Subject: [dachshund-448] Any Doggy Dermatologist recommendations?

My 3 year old miniature Dachshund Bella, has severe "hot spots" up and down her tail. She bites and picks at her tail constantly. I've tried to put a cone on her to prevent this, but her little rascal of a brother always "saves" her from it. I have taken her to the vet for this three times already this year and he has given her two cortisone shots as well as an anti-itch spray. All seem to work temporarily but she always goes back to itching. Her vet is now recommending I take her to see a dermatologist for the problem. Can anyone recommend a good doggy dermatologist in the area? We are located in Livermore. 


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