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Meet our new baby!

From: Liz
Sent on: Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 7:36 PM

Hi Dachshund Friends,

We adopted our new rescue doxie over a week ago. She was rescued by Dachshund Rescue and Placement in So Cal. We drove to LA on a Saturday and drove back on Sunday when we picked her up. My hubby and three kids in tow. We are a dedicated family!

They told us she was about 3 years old and her foster mom named her Pickles bc she was always getting in a Pickle. We renamed her after a few days. Her new name is FIONA. She is adorable! She was getting to all sorts of trouble before we got her. She was in the hospital a few times because she was eating and chewing on stuff that she wasnt supposed to. She is crazy about playing with her toys espcially a ball. Did you ever see Marley and Me when the dog chases the ball at the baseball game? She has done that already when I have taken her to the park. She goes nuts over a ball. She is very energetic and has seperation anxiety issues. I am SAHM and watch her like a HAWK all day. SHe is on a leash when she is with me around the house and gated in xpen in kitchen dining area when I have to put kids to bed. She loves story time when I read to the kids and curls up on my lap. Three kids fight over my lap so this is a good thing Fiona takes their spot and no fighting. Molly and Twinkie used to do that. The kids and Fiona wear each other out

WHen its time for bed everyone is fast asleep and Fiona sleeps next to me while I watch tv or on comuputer until Shane gets home from work. I am excited to introdcue you to her and she is very sweet.

I miss Molly so much but having Fiona seems to bring me comfort. She knows how to keep me busy. We love her! She is spoiled rotten and loves attention.

Here are some pics.

the day we picked her up

Walking Nayeli to school

The day we named her Fiona!

We take her almost everywhere with us!