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Presentation from Tuesday's Meetup

From: steve k.
Sent on: Thursday, September 15, 2011, 11:41 AM

Melinda, John, and myself would like to thank everyone for coming out to the Tuesday Meetup event.  We had a great thought provoking presentation from Sean Jackson on ROI.  The presentation triggered a lot of lively discussion both at the event and at the Doubletree Happy Hour afterwards!  Thank you to Sean Jackson for taking time to answer all questions. 


Several people asked if the presentation was availbe on-line.  I spoke with Sean and he stated it will be available on the front page of Copyblogger (
on Thursday, Sept. 29th.  Mark your calendars to check it out on that day!  I will send a reminder on the 29th.  Also remember to RSVP for our Oct. 11th Meetup entitled "Social, Mobile & SEO – What’s Love Got to Do with Them" by J.R. Atkins

Steve Kuntz - Assistant Organizer

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