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New Meetup: Art Gallery Hike & Picnic

From: Steve O.
Sent on: Monday, June 14, 2010, 9:17 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!

What: Art Gallery Hike & Picnic

When: Sunday, June 20,[masked]:00 AM

Andres Institute of Art
98 Rte[masked] miles south of Rt. 130 on Rt. 13
Brookline, NH 03033

Art Gallery Hike & Picnic
(a Dog and Child friendly event)

Sunday June 20TH.,
11:00 am. or anytime til 2 pm.
Andres Institute of Art
98 rt.13 Brookline NH 03033


This is for all levels of hikers.

We have done this event time and time again. But, everyone seems to enjoy it each time. So, please bring the dogs, the kids and friends. Join Steve O. and his friends for an easy hike through 170 acres, up wooded trails. This is Andreas' Sculpture Park with art work from sculptor from around the world all along the trails. At the top of the trail is a spot with seats and a view of Mt. Manadnock 75 miles away. Where we can sit and have a picnic at the top of the trail. If you can not make it at 11:00 am? Than meet us at anytime along the trail. The trail crisscrosses the main driveway to the top and the art studio. Do not drive up the driveway. We park below at the start of the paved driveway on the right. You can also just meet us for the picnic. Steve O. will have his Ceil phone on to help find us. Dress for changing weather and the woods, and remember the Deer Ticks. Bring your own lunch and drink. This is privet property. So, what we bring into the park . We must bring out.
Contact: Steve O. [address removed] [masked]

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