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New Meetup: New Whimp Volleyball Nashua location

From: Steve O.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 2:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!

What: New Whimp Volleyball Nashua location

When: July 15,[masked]:00 PM

Park at end of st.
Corner of 96 Rancourt st. & Caron Ave.
Nashua, NH 03061

New Wimp Volleyball location
Wednesday, July 15th., 6;00. or any time before to 8 pm.
the end of 96 Rancourt st.
Nashua NH. 03061
Geri has found us a another space at a park on the corner of Rancourt st. & caron ave..
Direction: one mile North on Concord st.
Turn onto Rancourt st. by the "Big 1 ice cream place
and across from Lillian's Motel.
(see link below)

We will be asking for a $1.00 donation to help play for the equipment. But please remember, your attends is more important than the your money. We would rather you play than pay. The money is only to pay for and maintain the equipment.

Please join Geri P2. and friends at anytime for evening of fun and easy exercise, or just come to watch. Wimp Volleyball is a noncompetitive games. Totally for the fun of moving around trying to hit and return the ball. We will be following the rules. But, having fun and learning will be more important than winning. We count the laughs, not the score. We work on keeping the volley going. Rather than trying to end it. The winners are those who sides hurt from laughing to much. We usually have a larger number attending. So, we will rotate everyone through. If we have enough of those people who must win, and play exactly to the rules. We will have another net set up for them. So, bring your friends and kids, an your drinks to keep cool and hydrated and Bug repellent.

We will also have another event going at the same time, Wimp Volleyball Chatting & Cheerleading. This event requires a lawn chair and the ability to chat.

Learn more here:

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