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New Meetup: REAL ESTATE FOR DUMMIES in Pelham, NH :)

From: Susan J T.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 6:52 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!


When: September 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

for you sloooooow learners or if you just need a refresher course :)

Hi Everyone,
I have started a new "meetup" group called REAL ESTATE FOR DUMMIES :) My first meeting went very well, with a half dozen people at my home...great discussion and I made some new friends and contacts. We discussed contracts, contingencies, law, investments, etc.

If there are people in the group that cannot make a weekday evening meeting, let me know, and I will plan one on the weekend sometimes. If anyone has any ideas where to hold this meetup, let me know. I know of several restaurants and bars, but they may be a little noisy for this kind of thing.

At the second meeting I would like everyone to provide a topic they would like discusse, and after a brief overview, I will try and get to all your topics. In this way, I will get the opportunity to know what is important to the members of the group, then I will know what things to cover in the following meetups.

It will be mandatory that you share your name, address, phone # and email, for the safety of my members and myself?

The cost of $3 per person will cover the refreshments and supplies. I run other meetups and will be posting this on other "meetup" sites.
I will send directions and location, to all those who answer "Maybe" or "Yes" the day before.

hope to "Meetup" with you soon, Susan

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