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New Meetup: Patapsco/Exploration to Nike Missile Site and Blair Witch House if you dare

From: Joe P.
Sent on: Friday, July 30, 2010, 1:41 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Washington, DC/MD/VA Mountain Bike Meetup Group!

What: Patapsco/Exploration to Nike Missile Site and Blair Witch House if you dare

When: Sunday, August 1,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Patapsco Thru Trail - Woodstock
Woodstock Rd
Woodstock, MD 21163

OK my talented personal assistant, Faith, has suggested and somewhat organized this ride and I am only posting it for a larger audience.
Here is the email from Faith with a couple of edits to protect the not so innocent:
Riding at 9 on Sunday Morning, at Woodstock. I want to ride out to
find the abandoned missile site and ruins of the Blair witch house
reputed to be out past the quarry. Might involve a short road
section. Very short, if at all. Y'all in? Invite others- I would invite them myself, but
some people are smart enough not to give me their email addresses! =P

Here is the starting info

The coordinates of where we will park are:
39 Degrees[masked] min N
76 degrees[masked] min W
Directions are as follows:
From DC
Take 95N to
32W to
29N to
70W to
Marriottsville Road (first exit west of 29 about 3 miles)
Turn Right on the exit ramp
At the second Stop light turn right (about a 1/4 mile) onto Rt99 Old Frederick Road
At your first light (less than a mile I think) Turn Left onto WoodStock Rd. (There is a snowball stand on the corner)
In 1 mile you will come to the Woodstock in on the right and Railroad tracks across the road. (Slow down this is a big bump)
Continue for 1/10 of a mile and there will be a drive on your left just past the bridge. This is the meet up point. I will be parked in My Silver Full Sized Pickup.
My cell is four-one-zero-nine-zero-eight-seven-eight-eight-zero.

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