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Über uns

This Meetup is about sharing travel experiences with other like-minded people, interested in sharing stories about different cultures, countries, natural wonders, landscapes, experiences .....
This group does only work if members are willing to contribute by presentations of their journeys from time to time. You don´t have to be an expert in photography or presentation. Simply share your story.
If you have a presentation please let the organizers know by Email.
Meetings are planned once a month as far as possible, usually on a Friday. Please have a look if a meeting is scheduled and the agenda uploaded).

In general: What is the idea of the Munich Explorer`s Club:
The Golden Age of Exploration, initiated by Britain’s illusory quest for the Northwest Passage in 1818, was a period that began with as many questions as answers. However, after nearly 100 years of bravery, fatality, vanity, and seemingly downright stupidity (for example, Salomon Andree’s fatal attempt to reach the North Pole by hot air balloon in 1897), much geographical and scientific knowledge about planet Earth was gained.

It is not our intent to reproduce smoke-filled parlors where mustachioed men convene to boast of their journeys to the ends of the Earth. Rather, we attempt to re-create an energetic atmosphere where men and women can come together to learn and share experiences of their travels through presentations (pictures, stories, maps, cultural items, food, etc.), in a more formal setting than, say, at a bar or party. The MEC has been extant in Munich since the end of 2013. We have so far had many amazing presentations incorporating travel, culture, history, science, and crazy adventures of every sort, and we hope to keep the tradition alive with our advent here on meetup.com!

One may ask, who are the presenters? The answer is simple: you! We look to group members willing to share their stories on the big screen in a 20-25 minute presentation. Of course, no one is ever obligated to give a presentation, but without this voluntary effort, the club cannot exist. You don´t have to be an expert presenter or a professional photographer. It is simply about sharing your travel stories, whether it be a bike tour through Bavaria or a hiking expedition through the Himalayas.
What is the format? Generally one evening consists of three presentations, with 5-10 minutes after each for Q&A. Although this is the standard format, under certain circumstances it is amendable, and if you have ideas for a presentation that requires a different amount of time (more OR less), please let us know. All events take place in the Guardini 90 culture center, Hadern, directly at U6. We kindly ask for a donation to cover the cost for the room and for food and drinks, which are also provided.

Everyone has a story to tell. Come tell yours!
Dennis, Sascha & Wolfgang