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There will be a raffle at tomorrow's astrology meetup

From: Chris B.
Sent on: Friday, December 13, 2013, 11:37 PM

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we've decided to do a raffle at tomorrow's astrology meetup, and we've had some great prizes donated to the group, including a DVD with 36 videos of astrology lectures from a conference, a full astrology software program, and gift certificates for a few different astrological consultations.

So even if you weren't interested in coming to the meeting to get your chart read, you should come down and buy a ticket in the raffle, as you might win a prize.

Here is the full list of prizes for the raffle:

  1. A DVD of the first Blast astrology conference with 37 lectures on it - A $200 value.
  2. The Delphic Oracle astrology software program - $300 value.
  3. An online course on electional astrology - $150 value
  4. An astrological consultation with New York-based astrologer Priya Kale - $175 value.
  5. An astrological consultation with Boulder-based astrologer Melody Scott Zindell - $130 value.
  6. An astrological consultation with Texas-based astrologer April Dawn Spreeman -  $125 value.
  7. A one year membership to - $108 value.
  8. An astrological consultation with Boulder-based astrologer Jackie Ames - $90 value.
  9. A gift certificate to MythsMagickalMarket online store - $25 value.
  10. 2014 astrological almanac e-book by Austin Coppock - $15 value.

We will be selling raffle tickets for $10. If you are interested in buying tickets then please bring cash.

If you would like to get your chart read at the meeting then please either bring a printed copy of your chart or bring your birth data (date/time/place). We will have 10 different people doing astrology and tarot readings. There will also be a couple of tables selling other sorts of astrological goods, including some vintage items.

This is an important event, so please join us tomorrow!