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Groovin to Local Bands - Herman's Hideaway

From: Lisa
Sent on: Monday, November 22, 2010, 7:49 PM
Join your friends and fellow local music enthusiasts at Herman's Hideaway on Friday December 10, 2010

Five bands will rock throughout the evening - they are "Stronger Kills'", "Left Foot Green", "Broken Parts", "Xiren" and the headliner "Solar"

We have a very special link to a coupon that will give you entrance to see all five of these bands for only a $4 cover charge. Go to the weblink below and print out your coupon, present it at the door of Herman's and you can get your discount.[masked]b.jpg&target=tlx_new

Because the bands will play from 7:30pm and last throughout the night, and the room will be dark, there is no way to reserve seats or save a section. Just show up with your coupon, bring a few friends (make sure you print them out a coupon too) Come on inside and find some people who look like they are having a great time and introduce yourself. It will be a great way to make some new friends. At the event, Herman's will have $3.25 PBR and $5 Jameson specials.

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