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Agenda Items - Kickoff Meeting - Denver Russian Language Meetup Group

From: Anthony
Sent on: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 11:32 AM
First, I want to thank all of you for joining the Denver Russian Language Meetup group. I am highly encouraged by the level of interest! I think we have enough people to get this thing off the ground and I encourage you to invite others who might not have ever heard of

In the kickoff meeting we will be looking at primarily at

1) format and objectives for future meetings
2) day/time/frequency/location for future meetings

If you are not able to attend because of your work schedule or other commitments, please e-mail me ASAP to let me know if another day/time would be more convenient for future meetings and we will consider your suggestions.

I am really looking forward to our kickoff meeting and hope to meet many of your there. Remeber its is at 7:00pm tomorrow at

Cafe Europa
76 S Pennsylvania St
Denver, CO 80209

My phone number is[masked]. I will have a sign at my table to help you find me. :)

Best Regards,

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