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Re: [bookclub-679] November/December Fiction Selection

From: Don
Sent on: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 8:51 PM
Nomination for February fiction is "A Book of Ages" by Eric Hanson
----- Original Message -----
From: Lori
Sent: Sunday, October 26,[masked]:36 PM
Subject: [bookclub-679] November/December Fiction Selection

The selection for November/December is Middlesex: A Novel by Jeffery Eugenides.

If you would like to nominate a book for our fiction or non-fiction poll, please respond to this e-mail. The Denver Book Club alternates book selections from month to month between Fiction and Non-fiction. Books are nominated by the book club members by e-mailing the group with the title and author. One of the organizers will then add the nomination to the Polls section. For fairness, members are limited to nominating one book per month.

You can vote for our January non-fiction and our February fiction selections at Polls.

Our next meeting will be on December 4th as the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving.

We also have a holiday party scheduled for December 13th. Check the website for details.

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