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Tonight's Meetup

From: Judah F.
Sent on: Thursday, March 25, 2010, 8:40 AM
Dear Book Lovers,

Here is a reminder to attend tonight's Denver Book Club meetup to discuss Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which author Robert Persig said is not about that great body of religious thought known as Zen Buddhism, adding, "It's not very accurate about motorcycles either."

Instead, the autobiographical essay explores profound truths about sanity, rationalism, empiricism, romanticism, rhetoric. and the nature of quality (we all know it when we see it, but we all define it differently). Personally, I rank this book among the top ten that changed my life, and I'm absolutely confident we will have an incredibly stimulating conversation tonight, perhaps one of our best ever.

So, plan to attend tonight -- whether you have read the book or not.

As ever, the Denver Press Club (1330 Glenarm Place downtown) starts its dinner buffet at 5 PM, and please come early enough to socialize in the bar. The most affordable parking is in the corner lots on 13th Street.

Please vote in the book polls and be sure to nominate more fiction and nonfiction books. Contact Francis at

Hope to see you tonight!

Judah Freed, organizer
Denver Book Club Meetup

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