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Inaugurational Party

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 9:56 PM

The funnest Inauguration Party around
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009 7:00 PM
Californos Bistro & Bar
4124 Pennsylvania
Kansas City, Mo. 64111

This is the Inauguration Party for those of us who are going to skip the DC scene this time around. This is the Inauguration Party for the folks who are the real movers and shakers. This is the Inauguration party for those people who were the fuel for the engine that made it easy for those big ?wheels to spin?.

This is the Inauguration Party Obama and Michelle would really like to attend if they didn?t have to be ?up there?!

Let?s all join together at Californos, this is the place where so many plans were hatched, where we marshaled our forces, launched campaigns and celebrated some of our victories throughout this past year. It?s time to truly celebrate the Real ?beginning of change? We can watch the festivities on the big screen, listen to some music compliments of ?Checkered Past?, dance or just stand around and brag about our accomplishments and how we changed the future.

No need to press your ball gown, lest you want to, as this is a dress comfortably outing, unlike those parties in Washington. Food and drink is on you too, as we couldn?t find a single lobbyist left in KC, they all seem to be in DC. No cover charge, though we ask that you drop some money in the jar to reward our struggling and ever-entertaining musicians. And you won?t have to push your way through a million people to get in, either.

Our organizational game plan this year was to branch out a bit and meet new people in other groups. Our hope, of course, is that we can lure them into our lair and put them to work. We are co-hosting this party with the ?A-List?, a group of young professionals, so get ready to meet some fresh faces. I suspect they are probably politically ok as they are willing to join with us and be a part of THE FUNNEST INAUGURATION PARTY AROUND. Come early, stay late, have fun!!!

See you there

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