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The Dallas/Ft. Worth Area WordPress February Meetup in Plano

From: Tony C.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 1:52 PM
Hello Fellow WordPress Rockstar,

This Saturday, at 4pm, we'll be having our first meeting in Plano at the Spaghetti Warehouse, and it will soon be standing room only. There'll be a brief presentation where I share WordPress tips and secrets, and give an overview to the best plugins for setting up a web site with WordPress. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions and to share how you are using WordPress.

If you haven't yet RSVPd, there are only two more spots until the waiting list kicks in. (And if you know you won't make it and said 'Yes' or 'Maybe', then please change your RSVP to make room for someone who will.)
February Meetup - RSVP

Tony Cecala
WordPress Meetup Home Page

PS - Let's show off our group to the world! Bring your digital camera to the meeting and let's post some photos on the meetup site.

PPS - If you have a minute, please respond to our member poll, so we can learn what level of help our members need: Member Poll - Are you experienced?

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