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Understand Web Plumbing: A Gentle Intro to HTTP, PHP, & the WordPress Page Cycle

From: Tony C.
Sent on: Friday, February 21, 2014, 7:16 AM

Dear WordPress Rockstar,

Thanks to Improving EnterprisesWP Engine, and Develare you can spend Saturday afternoon eating pizza and co-working with talented internet professionals.

Understand Web Plumbing: A Gentle Intro to HTTP, PHP, & the WordPress Page Cycle
This Saturday we will explore the depths of the internet with Jay Elewitz. Take a ride on ones-and-zeroes as they travel from your laptop to the server and back.

This talk will take a look at the web page cycle form the time the user clicks go until they see the page in their browser. We’ll examine the types of requests that browsers submit, how the server processes a request, and of course how the page is built before its returned to the requestor. We’ll be focused more on the server side of things, what happens when a request is received, how does .htaccess affect the request, how PHP is invoked, what role the WordPress router plays, when and how the database is accessed, and of course, how the page is built for the user.

Jay Elewitz is an accomplished software developer, systems architect, public speaker, and CEO with over 38 years of experience. Beginning with early home-built microcomputer systems in the 1970’s, Jay quickly realized the power of the IBM PC when it was released and focused on distributed, client-server based applications. After being introduced to Lotus Notes while contracting to ARCO International, Jay co-founded Groupware Concepts, Inc. (GCI) in 1993. GCI became a leading provider of Lotus Notes add-ins, custom development services, and training. GCI developed products that were used on 10% of the Lotus Notes desktops globally along with developing systems for Chase Bank, Texas Utilities, GTE, Union Pacific Resources, Prudential Insurance and others.

In 2003, Jay co-founded SimpletLTC, Inc. to provide a web-based interface to state and federal systems for Medicaid forms processing. SimpleLTC became the de facto standard for Medicaid TILE and MDS processing used by nursing homes throughout the country. Once again applying his experience with workflow based systems after his own experience with the IRS, Jay quickly saw the potential of a self-help tax resolution system at an affordable price and co-founded TRS Online Services, Inc. in 2012.


• 1PM-2:10PM: Pizza Networking Lunch

• 2:10PM-2:30PM: Announcements

• 2:30PM-3:45PM: Presentation

• 3:45PM-5PM: Q&A and Meetup Networking

For more details, see the full listing:

When: Saturday, February 22,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Improving Enterprises
16633 Dallas Parkway Suite 100
Addison, TX 75001

Price: $10.00 per person

Tony Cecala
DFW WordPress Meetup Organizer

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