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Update: August DFWWP Meetup - "BarCamp" Style

From: Tony C.
Sent on: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 8:27 AM
Dear WordPress Rockstar,

We're approaching the 500-member mark! I think that's pretty cool. Another 6 members or so and we surpass WordPress NYC meetup as the largest WordPress Meetup on planet earth. (We're already the BEST.) The point of this paragraph is to encourage you invite your WordPress-using colleagues/students/friends to the group! As we grow, so do opportunities for software discounts and other goodies that user groups enjoy.

As our group grows, so does our collective expertise. So why do I still have a hard time referring you business? It could be because you haven't completely filled out your Meetup Profile. Please take a moment and fill out all the fields, including your website and Twitter name. Don't be shy! Upload your profile photo -- it helps us older folks to remember your name.

I'm excited about our upcoming meetup (August 29), at the Art Institute of Dallas. There will be at least three lightning presentations of 15-20 min each. Presentations will start about 4:20pm. Unless there is a surge of new RSVPs, we will meet in a smaller classroom holding about 70 people. Keep an eye out for student volunteers who will guide you to the proper meeting room.

PS -- This past month we seen a flurry of WordPress security updates. Do you need some help with an update or a plugin issue? We now have several Meetup message boards for member-to-member discussion. There's a dedicated section for "Q&A". If you post, be patient, it may take a day or so, but you will usually get an insightful response.

See you soon!

When: August 29,[masked]:00 PM

The Art Institute of Dallas
8080 Park Lane
Dallas, TX 75231

Tony Cecala
DFW WordPress Meetup Organizer
hashtag: #dfwwp
[address removed]

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