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From: Funtopia E.
Sent on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 9:10 PM
Dear Salsaholic,
We are excited to let you know that our new?season of SALSA classes will?take place?every Monday?beginning March 1st. Classes will now be offered on a monthly basis for $35?(which include 4 lessons, no?refunds). For those people that cannot commit to our monthly schedule, we?offer individual classes at $15 each.

Do?you know someone that would be interested in coming??Bring him/her?to our first class of the month and?you will?get a FREE
admission to our next?sizzling Salsa event*!

Our experienced instructors, Michael and Martin, will teach both Basic and Intermediate levels in a place and time TBD (downtown Nashville, though). Instructors will alternate levels every?week.?Check this website in the next few days for?the definitive location and schedule.

For questions, send an e-mail to
[address removed] or call [masked].
Viva la Salsa!

The Funtopia Team

*LIVE events not included

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